
Computer Space 2023 lecturers.

Gianluca Fratellini

3D Character & Creature Lead / Supervisor Animator, Director


Sandra Blazheva

PhD, Artist and teacher

Rosen Petkov

PhD, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of Computer Space

Ivan Ginev

NBU lecturer

Ivan Georgiev

Student, TUES, creator of OnlyLeds

Vladimir Vlaev

Composer, sonologist, researcher, performer, music producer, sound designer and educator 


Hristian Daskalov

PhD, Driector of National Student House

Anton Orush

collector and researcher of Bulgarian technology.


Boryana Savova

Organizing Committee of Computer Space

Emiliya Usheva

Student, TUES, creator of TETRIS TOWER

Team from Secondary School “D. Debelyanov”, Varna

Creators of “Hardware city” with teacher Asier Beyzhet

Petar Balabanov

PhD, Archeologist and lecturer

Valentin Milev

Exhibitions, Organizing Committee of Computer Space

Rumjana Stefanova

PhD, NBU lecturer and member of Computer Space jury

Stoyan Manchorov

PhD, NBU lecturer

Tihomir Garmenliev

Student, TUES, creator of ELUDO