Computer Animation

Art movies, cartoons
Advertising and music clips
2D and 3D computer animations
Digital video processed by computer

  • Riding through the desert…

    Short animation made in Blender. About a mobster riding Fiat 500 (1960) through the dessert and a one little chameleon. I tried different effects and techniques such as smoke simulation, areal fog, rigging of the car and the chameleon, dynamic paint, cloth simulation and others. Software that I used is Blender, Substance Painter for the[…]

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  • Botanica


    Botanica is an educational video game designed to help players learn about various types of trees and flora in an engaging and interactive way. Set in a forest, the game combines elements of exploration, puzzle-solving, and resource management to create a unique and engaging experience

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  • Connected


    A digitally animated short film about a girl who struggles to find her place in a dystopian world.

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  • Steamworld craft residence

    Steamworld Craft Residence is a project that I made as my graduation work for computer game design masters degree, which follows the theme – Steampunk style. Тhe whole environment is a safe zone in a steampunk game where the player can reload, craft tools or parts, repairs and upgrades. The main building in the environment[…]

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  • Digital hymn

    Digital hymn

    The confrontational structure between the Digital and the Real has been showing an important shift. The duality between the Digital and the Real have become more and more symmetrical and the Real has not been the master for the Digital. Along this symmetry and similarity, we can admit the digital beings, which are unknown for[…]

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  • Vertigo ⅱ

    Vertigo ⅱ

    In the 20th century, it became possible to create virtual 3D spaces using CG. However, even in abstract works, objects are still placed in three-dimensional space. This is an imitation of the spatial structure of the real world and allows us to show alternatives that are not possible in reality. First, a programmable shader is[…]

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  • Asynchronous and synchronous

    It’s time to reconsider the relationship between images and music. The most primitive and unimaginative relationship is that of accompaniment. Music accompanies images (ballet, movies), images accompany music (music videos, etc.). For example, when the music changes, the video changes accordingly, or when the video gets exciting, the music changes as well, and so on.[…]

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